Monday 5 September 2011

Invited Speakers

 Direct transmission or pre-recorded inputs

1.Colin Ellis - Chief Economist, British Venture Capitalists
Association and Visiting Fellow - University of Birmingham. He will
address raising government finance, tracking and deciding on
2.Tony Greenham - New Economics Foundation - same section as Colin +
well-being economics - education and health for all
 3.Anwar B. Ravat, Programme Manager Extractive Industries
Transparency Initiative – EITI Sustainable Energy Department, Oil,
Gas, and Mining Unit. The World Bank - how to gan the most for all
citizens when a country is 'resource rich'.
4.Juma Calestos - Harvard University - priorities in food security
5.Bjorn Lomberg - University of Copenhagen - what are the priorities
you want to see by 2050?
6.Stephen King, Chief Econmist, HSBC - trading with developing markets
Evan Davis - BBC TV and radio - adding value within an economy
7.Jon Snow - Channel 4 News and former VSO in Uganda, now married to a
Zimbabwean academic - welcoming address
8. Andy Sumner - Univesity of Sussex/ODI - poverty reduction - some new ideas
*Various guests from University of Zambia, EU Mission and other
institutions - stressing new ways of working towards' development' and
basing this on empowerment, involvement and listening to what the
people want.
9.Helena Norberg Hodge - alternatives ways of developing and keeping a
cultural 'balance'.
Session Chairs
*Delia Yerokun - UN Gender Adviser(Zambia)
*Cho - Founder and Editor The Zambian Economist
*Elias Chipimo - energy sources for the future and new ways delivering
education and health care.
*Trevor Simumba - ECOWAS and other organizatons trade adviser

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