Sunday 4 September 2011

An introduction


I felt it was time to start to discuss matters prior to the conference planned for 29th - 30th March 2012. It will be in Lusaka but all are invited.

The main theme will be:
An introduction – Zambia – March 29th and 30th 2012 - Lusaka

In the evolution of a young nation there exist few opportunities for those charged with shaping the development of such countries to meet together.

We offer such an opportunity, free from the influence of governments both domestic and overseas – so allowing delegates to debate without the presence of those wanting to court the favors of those in power. Large Multinational organizations will not have an influence – it will simply be those who want to listen, discuss and make plans for the future to meet in an environment that will be both stimulating and transparent.

All are welcome – whatever their opinions – to meet for two days and look towards the future of all Zambians.
I will start to post ideas on this blog BUT it's your ideas and feed back that I want to read and react to.
Here is the basic format of the conference. Each session will be chaired by a Zambia and the project is long lasting. I do not intend to simply fly in, listen and leave. A specially created web site will soon be available, so will this blog and a dedicated Face Book page.  Once we have finished our deliberations we can keep in touch and let's hope we can regularly meet and discuss progress.
Main themes in the conference programe will include:
  • Agriculture, food security and climate change
  • The use of natural resources, energy sources and uses
  • Diversification of the manufacturing base and improving employment prospects without causing rural-urban drift
  • The development of service industries and other essential parts of a developing economy, including education and health
  • The macroeconomic environment and government policy - how revenues should be raised and spent
  • African Free Trade Agreement
  • The role of women in development
  • Unifying different peoples in the development process
  • Alternative ways of developing an economy – what can be learned from the mistakes of developed economies?

The conference will conclude with an open plenary session on:
·        What has been achieved
·        How this will be used
·        How it will be reported back to all involved
·        What future events and developments will follow.

Information technology will be incorporated in several ways, starting with a Pre-Conference web site.  This will be followed by the video links from several parts of the world (in addition to including Pre-recorded sessions from some contributors), use of Facebook, chat facilities, regular inputs from the conference key facilitator (John Birchall, Economist), inputs from participants on how they are using the knowledge etc… gained from attending the conference and how all involved envisage the process moving on in the future.  The knowledge and skills acquired from the first conference and resulting actions will build on future activities.
Over to you,


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